Friday, February 9, 2007


It's overheard in New York:

Frat boy #1: Dude, when do you graduate?
Frat boy #2: Like, next year, man.
Frat boy #1: How long have you been in school, man? Like, five years, right?
Frat boy #2: Anyone that leaves college in less than five years is a loser. It's like someone who leaves the party at 10:30 -- things are just getting started!
He95x. I'm not a loser! Are you?

Btw, I really want to have that kind of blog... but overheard in Cilegon? It's just a small city and I'm not moving about so much here.
Okay, what about overheard in the office? Won't work too... Hi hi hi, there're only two person in the IT room, that's including me. Maybe I'll overhear lot of interesting stuffs if I do what my general manager suggested. One day he asked me, "Why are you always stay in your room? Don't you get bored?" ...grumble, grumble, grumble inside but big smile on my face. He told me then, "You should wander around the factory sometimes". Oh! He just doesn't know that I'm wandering at a bigger world than the factory, :P.
Actually I've ever tried to stay in the coating area, I was looking around and thinking, "What is this? I know nothing about this. Okay, I should ask someone". Then I asked my friend, "What is that (, greasy, dirty...) thing right there doing?". Not a word from his mouth, only a frown. He was looking at me as if I was a creature from outer space, not an intelligent one. So, next time I go there again and also to other areas in the factory, I'll make sure I already have a degree or certificate or whatever on mechanical thing, I'll only be a dummy otherwise :|.

Hmm, maybe I should create overheard at home, :D. It will contain the conversation between me and ams, me and myself, me and things he95x....... sounds interesting?

- clear afternoon, sound of the uncoiler -


Anonymous said...

Just for the sake of testing your new 'recent comments' feature ;)

Anonymous said...

cuma disuruh ngisi comment...
baiklah :-|

js said...

:(( Where do these people come from, they're not my friends :((.
Hi hi, kidding, :* for both of you.

Anonymous said...

i, definitely, not such a loser. cause i stay in school for 5.5 yrs hehehe ........ :P