Thursday, February 8, 2007


Why a new blog?

As I mentioned in my previous blog I want to have a blog with a layout I can play with. I’m a “tableless geek” wannabe 8-}.

Why do you decide to use the same blog service as the one you used a long time ago?

I take Joey's recommendation. In Joey we trust.

So, why don’t you just update your old blog?

I feel that my old blog is just like my worn-out clothes. I don’t want to throw them away from my closet, yet I don’t want to wear them anymore because… well, because they’re just too old.

Why srilas?

“Why do you use ‘i_lalang’ as your yahoo-id?” just before I created this blog a colleague of mine asked. I just smiled. Actually I’m kind of bored with that question. Years ago I might answer, “I don’t know… I just picked out the id from my friend’s suggestion”. The friend here is Hilda. Just about a week before I created a yahoo mail id, we, Hilda and I, went for a walk at some plain covered with ilalang. We thought it was beautiful… Well, I always think that spread of blooming ilalang is beautiful unless it’s in my own lawn :P. But I didn’t choose i_lalang because of that reason, simply have no other idea, that’s all.

Same thing here. Before I created this blog, I was chatting with Gary about an actor I like recently, Silas Weir Mitchell. He’s the actor who plays the role Haywire at Prison Break. I wondered if he’s a real wacko or he just acts really really good for that role. I read from imdb that he’s a smart and hilarious person so I think he must be a real good actor. Better than Wentworth Miller :P. Hi hi, come on girls, don’t be mad at me…

The name Silas is very familiar to us, Gary and me, because we liked to talk about the role Silas in Dan Brown’s Da Vinci Code. Gary has a big sympathy for him while I don’t :P. Apparently it bothered her so much…. she named me srilas then :|.

So, when blogger asked me what blog name I will use and after three attempts are failed… once the name srilas came across my mind I just typed it and I clicked continue… et voila… Remember it, add it to your google reader, bookmark it, set it as the homepage of all your browsers, tattoo it on your skin--specially you... Wenworth Miller fans or Guy Pearce fans--, spell it three times a day, paint it on your walls, and… update your link to my blog…. wait, I don’t think there’s somebody out there willing to link their blog to mine hu hu hu. O yeah… only a couple of great persons do that ;) thank you….:P

Yeah,… be quite, I can read your mind! But no worry, I also think that that URL sounds ridiculous. Grrr… Gary!!! I swear I’ll mention your name a lot here and it will always with a nasty grin at my face every time I type your name.

Now that I’ve explained it to you, don’t you ever ask me why I choose srilas…. or i_lalang.

You said you want to play with the layout, so why do you still use a template?

That's a tough one... All I can say is... just wait and see. Although you probably must wait for a very long time :P.

Are you an English native speaker?

Certainly not... :P So, feel free to give some correction about my language :">.

- night, the sound of cricket and frog -


Joe said...

huehue.. sori, first comment nya dihapus.. tadi menyebutkan nama jelas sih, hehe..

mbak sri.. what's the meaning of the title by the way?? ;)

js said...

No meaning...
Firstly I forget to fill title field, and then I didn't have any idea what to be typed so I just typed some white spaces.... turn out to be unaccepted by blogger. So, I type my question to blogger: "can i fill it with whitespaces?"
Hu hu seems there's not so many reasons in everything I do in my life... doesn't sound good, does it?

Anonymous said...

heii.. bayar royalti untuk nama blog ini setjara itu aku yg kasih nama B-)

'spell it three times a day'
-> seperti judul film horor :-&