Thursday, November 13, 2008

Half Face Helmet

After I got the kite string accident more than a month ago, I asked bapak a good helmet with something to cover my face against another kite string or big rain drops. I want a half face helmet. We've already been looking around at some malls and the helmets we've found there were either too expensive or too heavy (according to my opinion). And after more than a month, I still wear the same helmet :(.
Yesterday, one of my coworker said that from this month, all motor rider in Bandung must wear standard helmet (what standard?). This rule will be socialized from November 15. Oh no!! Socialization means police officers everywhere! Oh no!! I have some kind of police paranoia because I don't have a driving license! That's strange because my father is an ex, hahah!


Credo said...

Bapak mantan polisi?
Laah, piye iki mbak Sri. Kok paranoid liat bapak sendiri :D

js said...

Iya ik hihihih. Tapi kata bapakku, "ngga apa-apa ngga ada SIM asal ga melanggar hwahahaha"

Unknown said...

inti nya selalu berhati hati dalam berkendara, dan selalu septi untuk memakai helm
