Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Two Questions

This posting is partly inspired by diBond's blog. In one of her posting, she wrote about questions that she hates the most, she likes the most, etc. These are the questions that I dislike the most:
1. Why are you moving from Cilegon and from KHI?
2. How long have you been married? Why don't you get pregnant or have a child?

Number 1, believe me it's a long story. I don't like to answer it because it'll only lead to another questions, or rather as judgements. Many people said, "too bad, KHI is such a big company, and it's better than other members of KS Group (read: higher salary)."
One said, "and you're gonna live separated from your husband? Ah, you're youngsters... you live your life without a plan." W..what? I'm not younger than you, we're graduated from high school in the same year! Ha ha! And furthermore, I made my decision of leaving KHI after 3 months of frowning forehead, disputes, and sometimes tears.
So, if you ask me question #1, now I tend to answer it shortly, "I don't feel comfortable working and living there." Yet, for this simple answer, one said, "ah you say it so easily!!"
Oh God, please let them know that in this world there's a thing called "tenggang rasa", consideration. Ha ha, please give them P-4 course again!

Number 2, that's not a long story. But I'm tired of that question. I'll simply smile, and when they force me more to answer it, I'll only say, "Please, pray for us."
For some people, that short answer is as useless as the long one. They'll still give comments like,
"don't prevent your pregnancy!" - We don't, I've already told you that.
"Having a child is cool! Like me, I want many children." - He he, get married first please.
"I tell you, you're not doing enough 'efforts'..." - Ow you're saying that having children equal to good in bed? Well, congratulation then. But I don't want to hear any of your "bed stories".

I wish everybody was just like my mom. Concerning to that questions, she's the most wise person. Despite the fact that she's the happiest person to know that I was working for a BUMN... when I told her that I was moving, she said, "Oh, wherever you live, wherever you work... it's OK, as long as you're happy." And I know she'll be the happiest person to have a grandchild from me but she doesn't ask me, "are you already pregnant?" cause she thinks it'll hurt my feeling. Actually, I'm just bored to that question :P and yes, some comments do hurt me.


Joe said...

no.1 : i went to cilegon recently and it is so gersang, and i believe what u said, yeah..
no. 2 : it's cool that u still can have the xxx, some ppl don't and probably never will, hehe. And.. children..? probably someday, when the times come, right?

js said...

Haa, you went to cilegon? On what occasion? Hi95x, it's so hot and dusty.. that city.
What is xxx? I don't get it :P.

Joe said...

iya, cmn lewat doank mo ke anyer, liat KS dan prshn2 lain. tp gk liat KHI, khikhikhi....
xxx apaan yah? hmm.. kayanya dikau yg lbh tau deh, hehehe... :P

js said...

KHI is in front of KS khikhikhi...

Anonymous said...

Skrg uda ganti ni buat sy pertanyaan yg nyebelinnya:
"Kapan pra-sidang?"
Huhuw... T_____T