Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Reunion: Me and My Blog

I'm sorry oh dear blog, I left you for ages. Well, I just lost my cynical side during my pregnancy and cynical is an important keyword in this blog :D. I think it's important for a woman to have positive attitudes while she's pregnant so I just didn't feel right to write here. I wrote at my friendster blog instead.

Good news is, I've delivered my baby (January 5). Oh, is he a cute baby boy! How he changes me in some ways! And exactly that's the bad news. I think I lost most of my cynical side--or is it just my imagination? He95x--. I should ask my husband, sometimes he knows me better than I do.

Well, even if I do lose my cynical side, still I'm not quite sure if it was permanent :D :D :D.
So dear blog, let me write my journal here. Let us forget about cynical or non-cynical. I just have this feeling that it's time to come back to you. Hug!

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