Tuesday, May 15, 2007

How To Delete Your Friend on Friendster?

Finding how to do that was not an easy thing for me. First, I tried to figure it out by myself, using common user interface logic. I failed. Then I searched it on Google, found this. But I couldn't find the OBJECT delete!
Hmm, I wonder if friendster do this on purpose. Make it so hard to do, because naturally someone doesn't just delete a friend.

Finally I got the way by searching friendster's FAQ, and how is it?
1. Open your personal profile
2. Click Edit Friends, the application will show your friend list
3. Find the person that you want to delete, then click X button on top right of the person summary box (with pic, send message link, and last login info).
4. Click Yes for the confirmation.

Gosh, I've never seen that X button before 8-}.


Anonymous said...

Dih, kejam pisan di-delete?
Bageuuss!!! You go sis!!!
Delete aja org2 itu! Hihiy...

Credo said...

Hihihi, masa sih ga pernah liat tanda silang itu?

Mgkn krn jarang buka FS kali ya mbak Sri.. hehehe :p

js said...

@diBond: mau aku hapus? eit eit, jangan hapus aku ya... hihi
@credo: beneran, ga pernah liattt..